About the Copacetic Cyclops
Since May 4th, 1984, the Copacetic Cyclops Publishing Company has been entertaining readers with its unique blend of humor and information. In 1985, we began publishing our magazine on an Apple IIe equipped with an early desktop publishing program. We continued that way for several years, eventually moving from printing out way too many copies on a dot matrix printer to printing one copy and then duplicating it on a copy machine.
In 1998, hopeful that our then-current and a new audience would continue to enjoy our work, we fully embraced the Information Age, moved our content and publication onto the World Wide Web, published one online edition and then reverted back to print.
With that, we welcome you to our web site and hope that you continue to visit us. Please feel free to eMail us with your comments and suggestions, or not because sometimes we might like to pretend we’re a huge corporation and just ignore your messages. Then again, maybe we’ll read them and take them to heart. You never know, so why not take a chance? We look forward to continuing our mission of entertaining, educating and enlightening our readers.
We publish our newsletter usually every month or whenever we feel like it, which means we may publish three issues one month and none for the next three. Or four if we forget to do another one. And then maybe we’ll do two to make up for it, or just one because we’ll just pretend the gap never occurred. But, most likely, we’ll do not more than one a month because... geez, work. Who wants that?
2016 UPDATE: We did thirteen issues in 2015. That is more than one per month! As a result, we’re pretty exhausted so in 2016 we’ll be publishing our newsletter quarterly.
2017 UPDATE: We did one issue in 2016. So much for our quarterly goal . . . As for 2017, um . . .